Week 2 | PLAY (8 - 14 Muharram)

It was raining outside. Just perfect for a cozy time to let loose and have a ‘goofy’ moment with you. Your giggles echoed through our family hall and that gave such a tender feeling to my heart. There is something about a child’s laughter, it can comfort even a broken soul. How irony that a child’s heart is so fragile yet its spirit able to boost a wearied heart.

It’s through their little giggles and endless laughter with the loved ones their souls pick up some vitality and enthusiasm while at the same time boosting others. And, an enthusiastic soul is always the one who gets to beat the odds life thrown at them better than a frigid soul. Oh how can I overlooked that especially of lately? How importance play is to a child!

I was overwhelmed perhaps with the responsibilities I have to shoulder I forgot sometimes to just let loose and have more play time with you two. Yes, I always I have your Daddy to cover that for me but it’s not an excuse any more.

A sudden flash of memory rushed into my mind.

I remember - not long ago - how thrilled you were when I told you our beloved Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) loved to play with children. I could see the sparkle in your eyes and your face were glowing with a big, bright smile. It must have meant a lot for you to know that the best man ever walked on this earth was also someone who was so dear with children.

Yes, play is a serious business to a child. And who understand that better than our beloved Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)?

To be continued...


Play is a favourite, important subject to me. Always have been, and always a wonder to me as well. I thought I'd grow out of it by now that I'm thirty. It's this inner child in me. I have always been somewhat child-like and I guess, young at heart? I remember once back when I was working in the corporate world, I got commented on the way I bring myself - not professional, playful or something along those lines. I was taken aback and tried to change, but God knows how unnatural it was for me. I guess I'm just naturally this colorful kid, always wanting to express myself in bright-coloured child-like art.

I remember before I even had my own child, I went to the office, just couldn't grasp the business lingo, and was looking forward to come back home so I could finish painting the giraffe cartoons I drew on Duit Raya packets I crafted. Yes, at the office, when it's all serious business, I was thinking of giraffe cartoons?! I even had my own children's book drafted back then, but it has only been kept personal for now.

I believe that all these, among many other important reasons, made up my adamant decision to leave the corporate world and be a work-at-home-mom as I'm always just bursting with fun play-time ideas for my little one. While I hope and pray that Orked enjoys all these activities, I know that I truly have been enjoying them myself! I'm one who wouldn't mind nor get mad if Orked scribbles on the wall - I'd join in as well! When it comes to creative expression and art, I'm never afraid of mess. And truly, alhamdulillah for this opportunity to have more messy, artsy playtime sessions with my daughter.

Here's a photo series of what Orked and I did this week - paintsicles, we call it. We froze some bright-coloured paint in ice cube mould overnight, slid in some colorful popsicle sticks, and hurrah - we got some paintsicles in the morning! I happened to have bear-shaped ice cube moulds, so that was a bonus, with Orked happily going "bear, bear!" along the way. We had fun painting and swiping those paintsicles across some art papers, and I especially was pleased to see Orked smiling and so engrossed in the activity. The result was wonderful too! Such pretty rainbow hues on those papers.

On a more reflective note, I am inspired and grateful, alhamdulillah, when Milin shared with us about how our beloved Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) loved playing with children and how it's one of  his many beautiful ways in showing mercy towards children. I hope and pray that in all that we do, in all our plays, I will always remember Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) as an inspiration, and again, to always correct my intention and do it for the sake of Allah swt, in shaa Allah.

“Indeed in the messenger of Allah there is the best of examples.”


Linda Latip

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For the love.

Mommy, Remind Me is a weekly Photo Story project undertaken by a group of Malaysian mothers to document stories of their children growing up as little Muslims.

To Know is to Love

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