Week 3 | GREEN (15-21 Muharram)

Milin Kassim

Those little green books (and some in purple) have been your loyal companions for quite a while now - especially before you doze off to your dreamland.


This theme comes beautifully on a week when Allah blesses us with such lovely sunny weather and blue skies, alhamdulillah. Orked and I went out to play the first day we noticed the haze leaving us. And then again another day. And again.

I remember growing up not having all the best toys in the world as we weren't from a wealthy family. But I was the happiest. Because my mother instilled in us a love for simple everyday things we sometimes take for granted, such as the blue skies, or the way the leaves sway to the rhythm of the wind, or how the skies turn a pretty hue of pink while the sun sets. My mother had such great love for nature and she indeed had successfully instilled the same love in me and my sister. And I cannot be any more grateful for that.

I am thankful that our neighbourhood is surrounded by so much green despite being in the city. I truly love the greens, the way my mother does, and I hope to instill that same love in my daughter too. I hope to raise Orked to notice and appreciate Allah's beautiful creations, and to realize how much more they are worth than material things. In shaa Allah.


Abang first tournament. 
And he didn't win the match. Saddened by the defeat. He was too heartbroken. Abah & Adik is trying hard to console and boost his spirit. I wasn't devastated at all.But I do feel sorry for him and feel bad  for letting him even enter the tournament. I know Abang has my strong willing heart but I haven't give him enough of what he should have to project it physically. 

Takpe sayang. You are still new in this game. Fresh. 


InshaAllah, one day. You'll do much better. It takes courage to even say yes to enter the game.


For the love.

Mommy, Remind Me is a weekly Photo Story project undertaken by a group of Malaysian mothers to document stories of their children growing up as little Muslims.

To Know is to Love

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