Week 1 | ANEW (1 - 7 Muharram 1437)

Tonight, I decided to break our routines. You would usually have your Quran recitation in our room or the family hall. But from now on, I hope you will also feel comfortable to recite Quran in your room. So it began. Adik seeing you started your Quran recitation, immediately joined in. 

But more than that I also hope this New Year of 1437 you and Adik will have a closer relationship with the Quran. That means I pray we will seek time to not only recite the verses, but to understand and ponder upon their meanings. 

I see our days are brighter this year, in shaa Allah…


Mornings, as we know it, represent a new beginning. A new day to make things right. A new day to be better than before. A new day to learn something we thought we failed the previous night.

I love capturing and freeze-framing our mornings. More so when there's that beautiful morning light. On a bigger scale, it doesn't just represent a new day. It represents us, starting anew.

It's a new year now in our Islamic calendar, and if I were to list down a new year's resolution of all the things I hope to learn and achieve for us, I probably wouldn't stop. And that's a lesson in itself - to learn and to always want to. I recently just hopped on a new journey as a work-at-home-mom, and that's a whole lot of newness there.

To begin with, I want to be a better mom/wife/daughter/sister/daughter-in-law and to always know the reason for it. I want to always be reminded that my goals of being a better-this or a better-that are all only for the sake of Allah.

So here are some freeze-framed moments of our morning. Your tantrums as a nineteen-month-old just like any other nineteen-month-olds and how I'm always learning to embrace them with patience - to be a better mom. And our mornings spent together with these coloured activities that I am so grateful of. I'm entirely thankful for this opportunity to have more time with you and to learn to be a better mother.

We recently started this collaboration of art together whereby you'd paint and learn all the things a toddler would learn from sensory play. And you'd have fun and giggle. And I'd learn a new interpretation of Qur'an and write it down in the form of brushlettering. I'm trying to do this on a regular basis and have a collection of reminders from the Qur'an that we'd learn and paint down together. You may not exactly understand them now. But I hope that one day when you look back at all these reminders we painted & wrote for ourselves, you'd benefit from them in countless beautiful ways. In shaa Allah.

To another better day, and to a better year. In shaa Allah.


"Red and yellow, and pink, and green,
 You are a Muslim; Islam is your din,
 Don't forget purple, orange, and blue,
 The colour of Islam is the colour of you."
 - Mohammed Yaseen, The Colour Blind Boy

Truthfully, daddy and I still have plenty to explore about being Muslims. Alhamdulillah, with you around, the journey becomes more fascinating. 

Imagine a vast field lined with a path. Colourful flowers everywhere. Daddy loves the brightest ones, I love those in pastels and creams, while you love a mix of each shade. Nevertheless, we choose to appreciate the beauty of the entire place. 

Halfway from the destination, you surprise us with a bouquet. Yes, a mix of each shade. How the contrasts accentuate the whole bunch. As we continue our journey, the surrounding changes. We behold harmony.

Khalish, thank you for such a present. Thank you indeed for your presence. Daddy and I pray that the new year leads us to more discoveries. More harmonies, too. Ameen.


Linda Latip

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For the love.

Mommy, Remind Me is a weekly Photo Story project undertaken by a group of Malaysian mothers to document stories of their children growing up as little Muslims.

To Know is to Love

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